Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Independance.
A speech on A united Demand for Dominion Status
I have prepared this memorandum for the consideration of the Committee of the Sinhala Maha Sabha at the meeting to be held on Sunday, the 21st October, 1945.
My intention at this stage is to bring to the notice of the Sabha as well as the public, as clearly as possible. some of the more important issues involved in the Constitutional situation. I am not suggesting any definite decisions at present, as we shall have to await the views of the British Government before we are in a position to reach final decisions ourselves. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has announced that the decisions of His Majesty's Government, based on a consideration of the Soulbury Report and Mr. Senanayake's representations, will be made early. We are expecting this communication before the Council meets on November 6th.
At this stage I am only concerned with bringing before you what appear to me to be the most important issues involved on the material available to us at present in order to ensure that when final decis;ons are reached in such an important matter as Constitutional changes involving the welfare of this country for many years to come, you will be in a position to reach those decisions after due consideration of all the relevant points and thus avoid being influenced by comparatively less important considerations or by possible misconceptions and misunderstandings.
....... (continued)