Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Sri Lanka Freedom Party.
A speech on Sri Lanka Freedom Party
I venture to think that this is an occasion oi some importance in the political history of our country. It not only marks the birth of a new Political Party, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, but it also ushers in, in many ways, a new political era. I am certain that it is consciousness of this fact that has drawn to this meeting such large numbers of citizens of all races, religions, and classes from all parts of the country.
The starting of a new political party, of course, need not necessarily have such a significance. Why it is so in this case, I wish to explain to you in some detail.
At the outset it is important for you to understand clearly the nature and trend of what we may call the Freedom Movement in our recent history. This Movement may be said to have really started with the Temperance Movement of about 40 years ago. It is true that this campaign was primarily intended to deal with a social evil, but as it was directed against the policy of the British Government in regard to a certain subject i. e. Excise, it possessed certain elements of a national movement against Colonial Government. At the start a great deal of public enthusiasm was aroused and there was the possibility of the creation of a mass movement against foreign rule. Unfortunately the leaders of the campaign allowed it to peter out, and what eventually became of it we all know now.
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