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Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Independance.

A speech on Re-reform the Constitution

in this country but in every country that has demanded any measure of democratic control.
The question is simply this, whether under this Constitu­tion we have sufficient control over the public purse to make it possible for us reasonably to function, as the representa­tives of the people responsible to the country in a very large measure, for the good and effective government of this country. I must plainly say here that I conceive our position as Members of the State Council today to be absolutely intolerable. We are being ground between the upper and nether millstones. On the one hand we are elected here on a manhood and womanhood suffrage. We have our own Ministers, and the public of this country rightly hold us responsible for the good and effective government of this country.

I may restrict myself to this motion which we, at any rate the Ceylonese Members of this House, consider to be necessary at a time like this, of depression and stress. These demands have been turned down with a certain-I might almost use the word-" callousness" which, to say the least, is extremely difficult to appreciate. My hon. Friend has referred to those occasions where the power vested in His Excellency the Governor under Article 22 of the Order-in-Council has been exercised already. It has been exercised in the case of the passages allowance and holiday warrants, the Bill to effect a reduction in the salaries of public servants, and on certain other occasions in this House.

....... (continued)