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Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Sri Lanka Freedom Party.

A speech on A Record of Achivement

We are meeting today at this ancient and historic place - Kelaniya, which is hallowed by so many memories that are d.^ar to our people. This is one of the places visited by the Euddha on a mission of peace. It is also remembered by the name of Vihara Maha Devi, whose couta;e and patriotism not only helped in saving the people of Ke'aniya from disaster but who was also the mother and inspirer of the hero King Dutugemunu.

As our Party also happens to be the Government Party, I do not think it would be out of place for me to refer at this Party Session to the work of the Government in the past year. There is no doubt that the last year was one of considerable difficulty in various directions. The breach between the Sinhalese and Tamil communities of the country had widened to such an extent that the Federal Party, ~with the support of a large section of the Tamil community, had made all arrangements to launch a so­called Satyagraha Movement last August. If this had, in fact, taken place, not only in the northern and eastern provinces but in various other parts of the country serious troubles would have arisen, many people would have suffered, various economic problems woi?ld rave been gravely aggravated, and good:ri;l and amity between the Sinhalese and Tamils destroyed for many years to come. Happily, this misfortune was averted. In the discussions which the leaders of the Federal Party had with me an honourable solution was reached. R.enarding the language issue. while Sinhalese will be the only official lanauage of the country. recognition will be accorded to the reas^nable use of the Tamil language.

....... (continued)