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Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Democracy.

A speech on Press Dictatorship

It has given me the greatest pleasure to have accepted the invitation of the Press Association of Ceylon and to be present here at thi§ most enjoyable dinner. The Chairman stated that perhaps this was the first occasion that I attended a function of a Press Assotiation. It is not altogether so. I have had the privilege both in this country and in other countries of attending similar functions of Press proprietors, editors, press dukes, barons and so forth. Certainly this is the first occasion I have had the pleasure of attending a function of those in the lower rung of the Press industry, if I may call it an industry. This Association is chiefly com­posed of reporters, correspondents, and also, I believe, of the lower rungs of the editorial staff.

The Chairman referred to the responsibilities of the Press -the responsibilities of the Press in guiding public opinion and in reflecting public opinion. Very true, that responsi­bility is particularly important in a country like this where we have something approaching a press monopoly. One of the most unhealthy features in this democracy of Sri Lanka is this existence of what in fact amounts to press dictator­ship, 3 press monopoly. I cannot help being amused at times when the Press, or certain sections of it; accuse me of dictatorial tendency, dictatorial action, shout out and scream out their adherence to the principle of democracy when, as a matter of fact, their own position provides one of the most pernicious and vicious dictatorships the world, particularly the democratic world, can possibly know. That is a dictator­ship of the Press.

....... (continued)