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Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Culture and Religion.

A speech on the event of presenting the Anuradhapura Preservation Bill

On 11th November 1941 the First Reading of the Anuradhapura (Preservation) Bill was moved in the State Council. The Second Reading was taken up on 13th November and was passed the same day by a majority of 30-[Ayes, 38; Noes, 8].The Bill was thereupon committed to a Committee of the Whole House. The Committee met on 26th November and 2nd December, and reported on the Bill, with Amendment.

On the Third Reading being moved on 2nd December, Mr. G. A. H. Wille, Nominated Member, moved that "The Bill be read the Third time upon this day six months ". This amendment was defeated by a majority of 15-[Ayes, 11 ; Noes, 26]. The Third Reading was thereafter passed without a Division.

Speech made, as Minister of Local Administration, in moving the First Reading: 11th November 1941. This Bill has been necessitated by the action of this Council when it authorized the expenditure of a sum of money for the preparation of a suitable scheme for the preservation of the ancient City of Anuradhapura. It will be remembered that one of the preliminary steps to that was the preparation of an Ordinance of this kind which, pending the preparation of that scheme and the considera­tion of it by the State Council and any decision being reached on it, would prevent buildings coming up mean­while without any control. I might mention that entirely apart from the proposed scheme for the preservation of Anuradhapura, for many years this difficulty has been felt. The difficulty is that under the law as it stands, there is no power to restrict building in the sense that the peculiar conditions of Anuradhapura require.

....... (continued)