Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Governance and State Reform.
A speech on Motion of censure on the Board of Ministers
I think, Sir, this House will realize that this is probably one of the most crucial motions-I use that adjective advisedly-introduced in this House, for this reason, that it seeks-at least that is what I have in mind-to get down to realities and grapple with the actual facts of the case. I may say that many unsatisfactory positions existed both in the country at large and in this House as well, for this reason. It will be recollected that the Constitution was accepted under rather inauspicious circumstances. There was a general feeling in the country that this Constitution should not be accepted at all. There was a feeling amongst even those who accepted it that the Constitution should be accepted merely for the purpose of giving it a trial. Even those who were its strongest advocates realized- only too acutely the many shortcomings, both actually and potentially, of the Constitution, and they said-I was one of
them-" We will accept it and give it a trial. When these difficulties actually emerge in practice we will take all necessary action to have those difficulties removed".
Well, after this Council was elected, on the public platform, in the press and in this Council Chamber, as well as in the various political associations of this country, various resolutions were passed and decisions arrived at regarding the unsatisfactory nature of the Constitution, a position which was all the more strengthened by various unfortunate circumstances in which the oninivn, I might say the not unreasonable opinion, of this House was flouted on many occasions both by His Excellency the Governor and the official higher than the Governor, the Secretary of State.
....... (continued)