Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Governance and State Reform.
A speech on Governor's Reform Proposals
May I, Sir, at the outset, most sincerely congratu'alke my hon. Friend the Member for Point Pedro (Mr. C'T. G. Ponnambalam) on his very exhaustive and, might I add, somewhat exhausting speech ? In the first place, he exhausted the subject lie was dealing with ; and, in the second place, he exhausted himself. He told us during the early sta;es of his marathon performance that he had been specially requested to put forward the case from the nvint of view he was urging it as fully as possible. I think we must admit that he has done so I do not think there (an be anyone who made that special request to him who could in the least be disappointed with the very lengthy detailed speech he made.. I would only like to make at this stage, one remark on that speech, and that is this : there is such a thing as over-emphasis and there is such a thing as overrepetition-faults that vitiate whatever effectiveness a point of view mi;ht intrinsically have in itself.
The speech of the hon. Member for Point Pedro was a sort of command performance-noblesse oblige, if I may follow him in making a quotation from a language for which he has such a lingering liking still. A man must give of his best at a command performance, and the hon. Member has given of his best-all honour to him.
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