Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Governance and State Reform.
A speech on Government by Executive Committees
It is with regret, Sir, that I find myself not in a position to support this particular motion with regard to the reform of the Constitution, which motion has been moved very fairly and very reasonably as all these motions have been moved by my hon. Friend the Member for Horana. The party to which I happen to belong decided, after well nigh a year's trial with the Committee system, that in all the circumstances of the case we were in favour of the continuance of the Committee system as it exists under the Donoughmore Constitution at present. There was a suggestion made with regard to a change in the method of the election of Ministers alone. Unfortunately, I find that the decision of the Ceylon National Congress I cannot embody in the form of an amendment to the motion: it will have to form the subject-matter of a separate motion. I am, therefore, in the position of being under the necessity of opposing entirely the motion which has been placed before the House by the hon. Member for Horana.
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