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Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Independance.

A speech on Fretted Freedom

The philosopher, Bei trand Russell, has recently been engaged in the interesting task of giving us his views on happiness, particularly happiness in the topsy-turvy world of today. Nearly two thousand years ago, a not very dis¬tinguished Roman Governor of Palestine asked a question, which has puzz:ed succeeding generations: "What is Truth?"

A modern Pilate could appropriately ask: "What is Freedom?" Bertrand Russell may well addiess his mind to this interesting topic. It is five years now since our country achieved a measure of freedom ; today we " celebrate " its fifth anniversary. Government spokesmen will no doubt lash themselves into frenzy of eloquence on the blessings that " freedom " has brought us ; the sage of Panadura (if he will permit me to apply that description to him) has already announced that he will hoist a black flag on Independence Day; Sir Goldman Laxapathy, K.B.E., etc., etc., will probably agree that freedom has not been such a bad thin.,, ; Ratran Singho in his village hut will probably scratch his head and say: " Freedom? I see no signs of it."

....... (continued)