Speeches given by Mr.Bandaranaike on Democracy.
A speech on Benefits of Democracy
At the outset I think it necessary to recall to your memories the position that has arisen regarding the Sabha within the last three years. About a year prior to the Elections under the Soulbury Constitution discussions were held between various Groups and parties, of which the Sabha was one, in order to explore the possibility of obtaining collaboration on an agreed policy and programme with a view to securing as much unity as possible in the country and the formation of a stable Government when we were on the threshold of freedom. Out of these discussions emerged the U. N. P. and later we were able to form the present Government after the last General Elections. In both the original formation of the U. N. P. and the subsequent formation of this Government I venture to think that the Sabha played a not unimportant part. I think it will also be admitted that the objects we had in view have been secured-the achievement of a reasonable measure of unity and a stable Government.
I wish at this point to draw attention in passing to a certain situation that has arisen regarding some other Parties. The Ceylon National Congress which together with us originally joined in forming the U. N. P., appears now to be breaking that connection with the intention of working as a separate Party. There are in the Cabinet today two Leaders of two Parties which have no connection at all with the U. N. P., and which indeed seem, at least in certain respects, not to be at one with the U. N. P. I refer to the Ceylon Tamil Congress and the Labour Party.
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