Yuga Purushayakuge Katawak; (The Story of a Hero of our Times )
A biography for school children in pictures/cartoons.
JanaYugaya; (The Era of The Common Man)
An essay on Mr Bandaranaike’s life of service to the nation.
Jatika Urumaya Raka dun Bandaranaike Agamathi thuma (Prime Minister Bandaranaike who Protected our National Heritage)
Describing the preservation of the sacred city of Anuradhapura.
Peraliya Nisa; (Because of the Change)
What the ‘Five great forces’ achieved.
Lakmava Pa thabi Podujana yugayakata (Mother Lanka enters the Age of the Common Man)
A miscellany of prose and poetry.
Buddhagama Saha Loka Samaya; (Buddhism and World Peace)
Sinhala translation of Speech made by SWRD Bandaranaike on the occasion of the Buddha Jayanthi (2500 year Anniversary).
Apata Atha Thun Agamati; (The Prime Minister who helped us)
An essay on the new age that dawned for school children in 1956.
Septembera 26; (26th September)
His years of service and Demise.
A collection of letters from Foreign and Local Leaders.
Aachara (Tributes)
Excerpts of Speeches and photographs with foreign leaders.
Ma Danna Bandaranaike (The Bandaranaike I knew)
From 1925 until His demise.
Bandaranaike Dharshanaya Adatath Alokayak (The Bandaranaike Philosophy is a glowing light even Today)
An analysis of his speeches.
Bandaranaike Dharshanaya 21 vena Siyawasa kara (The Bandaranaike Vision towards the 21st Century)
The validity of his services for the 21st Century.
Aturu Dahanvu Apekshakaya (The Missing Candidate)
A piece of fiction.
Charkaya Saha Govam Ketha (The Spinning Wheel and the Paddy Field)
How Sri Lanka can be self-sufficient in textiles and rice.
Yuga Peraliyaka Maga Salakunu (Mileposts of an era of Change)
A review of social change before and after 1956.
Piyawara Lakunu (Footsteps to the Future)
An analysis of his service at home and abroad and excerpts of speeches.
Nava yugaye jana hedagasma (The Heartbeat of a People's Era)
A Biography
Gala Helana Ganga (River in full Flow)
Drawings for school children.
Mata Thama Mathakai (I can Yet Remember)
A the story in drawings for school children.
Bandaranaíke Pilivetha (The Bandaranaike Way Forward)
A selection of speeches.
Nawa Yugayaka Udawa 1st Part (Towards a New Era)
Parliamentary Speeches.
Nawa Yugayaka Udawa 2nd Part (Towards a New Era)
Parliamentary Speeches
Famous Criminal Cases of Sri Lanka (3)
How Sri Lanka can be self-sufficient in textiles and rice.
The Expedient Utopian
Dr James Manor explores the personal and political dimensions of Bandaranaike's life, concentrating on the economic, social, political and cultural forces which had a substantial bearing upon his story.